Customer ratings for Dirt Body Scrub Soap

Dirt Body Scrub Soap
Suggested list price. $20.00
$18.00 / ounce(s)
Delivery charges are additional.

A body scrub and soap combination made with our basic soap recipe of olive oil, shea butter and, castor oil. Added to the base is dead sea mud, 

ground pumace and a combination of earthy fragrances/esesential oils.

Not recommended for face. Body only.

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Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 5
Wonderful for the face too!
from Renee Harbour on 07/04/2019
My 50 yr old skin is more vibrant using this soap. I use it on my face and neck and all acne is completely gone and has stayed away as long as I contineu to use.
Excellent Exfoliating and grounding soap
from Jade on 12/18/2018
I stumbled upon BAMI in Washington DC this past weekend and i could not resist buying one of these! This soap has a beautiful earthy aroma. I feel like a true earth child when I'm using it. I did cut it in half as a suggestion from the shop owner so i can get more use out of it but the inside is very smooth while the outside is nice and rough for exfoliating. 10/10 would recommend!
amazing for body acne
from Anonymous on 12/15/2016
I found this randomly when bami participating in a herbal fair and i started exfoliating directly on some body acne. it is the ONLY thing that works for me. That was 8 years ago - i've been buying it ever since.

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